New technical solutions are bursting in the manufacturing market at every turn. With so many people willing to compete to get your business, you have to wonder if your manufacturer is up to the challenge. They should be able to handle your orders quickly and efficiently. Not everyone can deliver on this. A lot of manufacturers sacrifice quality in the name of speedy deliveries, while others can take too long and you may miss your window of opportunity to launch your product.

Building Prototypes for Serial Production

The concept of manufacturing has changed so much over the past 20 years that the differences can be mindboggling. A project that used to take six months can take 48 hours these days. You can rush a project with a manufacturer in just 24 hours using the internet. Parts can be designed, tweaked, and approved in shorter periods with proper testing using 3D modelling and rapid prototyping. This is a table served for people needing fast shipments on quality products.

While this holds true for people who are working on a deadline, there is still room for manoeuvrability if time is not an issue. Projects often get the better end of a deal that is not done in a hurry. Plus, there is a higher chance of having satisfied customers in the end. The most reliable workshops keep communication channels open at all times, and they make no qualms on having their entire workforce dedicated to your project. It’s the way serial production works.

Full Development Provided For Small-Scale Projects

Serial production brought one of the most significant advantages in the world of manufacturing that opened the door to thousands of entrepreneurs around the world. The chance to create niche products has never been higher than it is right now. Too many great ideas went unproduced for the best part of the XX century because the people behind these projects could not cover the incredibly expensive fees related to volume manufacturing of parts and products.

It was a common practice for manufacturers to ask for a minimum quota of units to make a profit. Modern CNC machining and manufacturing have made this stance obsolete. The developer can even ask the manufacturer for financing. This deal is made in exchange for a percentage in the ownership of the patents related to your idea. While this sounds like a good idea, if you create a groundbreaking product that could disrupt a market, you will have to share the credit and the profits. It is not a bad deal, but it’s a tricky move that not many people will feel comfortable doing so.