It is vital to remember that a visual field is the complete area you can see while focusing on a particular point. Apart from seeing things straight in front of you, the visual field is everything you will see on either side, below and above from the focus point.

Of course, the sharpest vision happens in the middle of the field. Conducing an eye exam means an ophthalmologist will check a field vision as well.

That way, a doctor can determine the effectiveness of your peripheral vision, which is essential for preventing potential issues from happening.

We recommend you to learn more about Heru AI visual field testing, which will help you understand the latest screening methods.

You should know that visual testing comes in different methods depending on the practice you choose to visit. For instance, tangent screens, automated perimetry are also part of the visual field test.

Generally, ophthalmologists will perform either a single or a combination of these screenings to check out your visual field. Afterward, he/she will determine whether you have potential issues after seeing results.

Confrontational Visual Field Exam Guide

You should know that this screening option is one of the most straightforward and primary solutions. The main idea is that a doctor will sit a few feet from you while covering your eyes with an occlude.

The next step is to look in the middle or straight ahead while moving hands around your visual field. Therefore, you should follow a hand and state when you can see it and outside your area.

You will get the same test for the other eye, which you should remember.

However, compared with other screening methods, this one is not as accurate as other options you can choose. Still, it is an effective way for a doctor to decide whether to undergo a more comprehensive and accurate screening method.

Tangent Screening

Goldmann field test or tangent exam is another option an ophthalmologist can choose to determine your current situation. You will sit in the doctor’s office three feet from the computer screen.

The screen will feature a center target for you to focus on throughout the process. Afterward, a PC will send images in different areas, while you should avoid moving your eyes but use side vision throughout a procedure.

We recommend you to check here to learn everything about visual field testing, which will help you with determining the best course of action.

A computer will gather relevant info and data, which will help a doctor to create a map of a particular visual field. At the same time, you can determine if visual field areas are not visible, which means you have an underlying issue.

Automated Perimetry

You can also choose an automated perimetry screening that requires computer software to determine your current field of vision. In the same way as the previous one, you will sit and use a particular instrument shaped like a dome.

The doctor will instruct you on ensuring the entire process, which means you should look in the middle without moving your eyes.

Within a dome, you will notice small flashes of light. As soon as you see them, you should press a particular button right next to you.

The best thing about this method is that a computer will generate relevant data your doctor can use to determine the best course of action. An ophthalmologist will use the gathered info to diagnose potential issues you may have.

Portable Visual Field Testing

It would be best to remember that visual field testing outside an office is not a new process and idea. Still, the advancement in technology allowed us to check various visual functions from our apartments and homes.

In the best-case situation, we would use devices to ensure stability in controlled glaucoma, which will reduce the number of office visits.

Implementing the advanced solutions means the process will go away from desktop-based and internet testing into virtual and portable methods that will provide you with higher engagement, lack of fixation losses, and many more.

Importance of Portable Screening Methods

By now, you probably understand that visual field testing is one of the most important ways to determine overall eye function. The perimetry machine is bulky and oversized, and ophthalmologists must calibrate it to ensure accuracy.

Even though it is a gold standard for eye exams, it will offer you subjective results depending on the professional you choose. At the same time, factors such as comprehension, fatigue, attention issues, and boredom can affect accuracy.

If you wish to check out your peripheral vision, you should visit this guide: for more information.

Besides, the best-case scenario states that people perform one exam annually in the office. Instead of waiting for an entire year, you can do it in your home based on your preferences and convenience.

This method is effective, especially in situations such as reassuring that your glaucoma is not increasing and determining its progress if you already have it.

Still, you must conduct an office examination for treatment recommendations and confirmatory screening. However, implementing home-administered screening outside the office is an effective method to determine whether you should visit a professional or not.

If you suffer from glaucoma, you should visit a specialist frequently, at least every three or six months, depending on progression and state. When you have at-home testing, you will get remote monitoring, which will help you determine the best course of action.

Artificial Intelligence

Other important screening options that will emerge as the essential ones will include artificial intelligence that will use algorithms to review and understand relevant results.

Most options feature a combination of intelligence and deep learning, which is an essential factor to remember. That way, you can check out a glaucoma progression by using trend and event-based progression analysis, relevant data, and algorithms.

The software will compare different patients and rank them based on severity and other risk factors. It is an effective way to achieve overall success and prevent potential issues from happening in the future.